Project X CODE

Project X CODE is a proven reading intervention programme with an integrated online subscription, for children in Years 2-4 (P3-5) who are a year or more behind in their word reading. CODE combines phonics and comprehension development in an exciting and motivational character adventure series.

The scheme provides a unique two-text approach: Text 1 is 100% decodable to build confidence and develop vocabulary; Text 2 is 80% decodable to challenge children and deepen comprehension. Stories in the series have exciting settings, characters and adventures to hook children in and keep them wanting to read on. 

Book Bands

Project X reading and writing resources are tailored to capture every child’s interest and all components of the scheme can be found here. Further Oxford University Press reading schemes include Biff, Chip and Kipper, Oxford Reading Tree, Read, Write, Inc. and Treetops