Bookmark Reading Charity

In an average class, 8 children leave primary school unable to read well.

These children often struggle in school, and beyond. Reading isn’t just about books. It’s about reading a road sign, a safety manual, a birthday card. It’s understanding a job application or an important letter from your bank. 

Bookmark Reading give children the reading skills and confidence they need for a fair chance in life,. Bookmark partners with primary schools and assists through their flexible volunteer-led programme, termly book packs, The Story Corner Magazine, grants and more to help develop whole school reading cultures and embed reading for pleasure into the lives of their pupils.

Bookmark has one simple mission, they want every child to read.

Bokmark’s partner primary schools receive termly Rocket Packs in addition to many other benefits and resources. There are some examples of these book packs below. To find out more, visit Reading programmes for primary schools — Bookmark Reading and sign up your school to work with us. 

Rocket Packs – our termly book packs for partner schools